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Master of Social Services and Health Care, Development and Management of Health Care and Social Services, Fall, 2021: SSYS21

Code: SSYS21

Master's degree in Health Care and Social Sciences

Degree title:
Master of Health Care
Master of Health Care
Master of Social Services
Master of Health Care

90 ects

2.5 years (90 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2021


You can find the approved curriculum description in Attachments section!

Show study timings by semester, study year or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 Autumn
1. / 2021 2. / 2021 3. / 2021 4. / 2022 5. / 2022 6. / 2022 1. / 2022 2. / 2022 3. / 2022 4. / 2023 5. / 2023 6. / 2023 1. / 2023 2. / 2023 3. / 2023

(Choose all)

Developer of Professional Practice

(Choose all)

STJY2015 Leadership Development Plan I 1 1 1 0.5 0.5
LTJY2001 Self-management 1 1 1 0.5 0.5
STJY2011 Orientative Studies 2 2 2 1 1
LTPY002 Strategic Planning and Management 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
STJY6004 Developing Leadership 8 8 8 4 4
STJY6005 Investigative Development 7 7 7 3.5 3.5
STJY2013 Management of Human Resources 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
LTPY006 Proactive Management Methods 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Researching Developer of Professional Practice

(Choose all)

STJY2018 Developing Service System in Social Services and Health Care 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
STJY6001 Financial Management 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
STJY6003 Managerial International Competence 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
STJY6002 Renewable Immediate Leadership 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Expert Practitioner

(Choose all)

1 1 1 0.5 0.5
STJY2017 Leadership Development Plan 2 1 1 1 0.5 0.5
Optional Studies

(Choose 5)


(Choose all)

YY10002 Thesis Planning 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
YY10003 Thesis Implementation 20 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 5
YY10004 Thesis Finalising 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Total 90 34 36 15 17 17 11 25 15 0 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 0 0 5.5 5.5 12.5 12.5 0 0 7.5 7.5

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

Competence Requirements (STJYS17=>)

Master of Social Services and Health Care, Development and Management of Health Care and Social Service 2017=>

A. Participatory Leadership

− is able to evaluate and develop management systems in
society- and customer-oriented organisations.
− can anticipate changes in operative environments and develop
the management system accordingly.
− is able to guide and assess employees based on their competence
and on the organisational strategy, respect employees and engage
them in decision-making.
− is able to continuously develop the different aspects of safety
management and maintain well-being at work in a positive

No attached course units

B. Innovative Leadership

− is able to implement and manage organisational strategy-oriented
research and development processes in cooperation with
employees and experts using scientifically validated methods.
− is able to reflect, model and manage different phases of change
processes and problem-solving processes in cooperation with the
members of the work community.
− is able to identify signals indicating new development trends.
− is able to meet challenges by applying proactive methods.

No attached course units

C. Competence in Social and Health Care Service Systems

- is able to evaluate and analyse the effectiveness of social and
health care management systems.
− can comply with current legislation in the field.
− has the ability to manage resources from an economical point of
− is capable of quality- and competence-based cooperation with
entrepreneurs in the field regarding the production of services.
− has the skills in start one’s own business.
− is able to independently plan and implement a strategy process, to
develop organisational strategies in a customer-oriented manner
using received feedback as a basis for development, and to lead an
organisation applying the principles of strategic management.

No attached course units

D. Modern Leadership

− can steer his/her own actions and the work of the work
community according to the principles of sustainable
development and understands the significance of professional
growth and development for one’s well-being.
− is familiar with the promotion and development of
internationalisation as well as implementation of multiculturalism
in practical management tasks.

No attached course units

E. Ethical Competence

- is able to assume responsibility for his/her community and the
consequences of its actions.
- is able to apply the code of professional ethics of his/her field as
an expert and developer of professional practice.
- is able to make decisions and take into account various individual
and collective perspectives.
- is able to promote and implement equality principles at work.
- is able to promote the principles of sustainable development and
social responsibility.
- is able to lead and manage a business with a social impact based
on ethical principles.

No attached course units

F. Innovation Competence

- is able to produce new information and renew working methods
by innovatively combining knowledge from various fields.
- is able to manage projects.
- is able to manage research, development and innovation projects
and use different research and development methods.
- is able to develop a customer-oriented, sustainable and profitable

No attached course units

G. International Competence

- is able to communicate internationally in professional and
development assignments.
- is able to operate in various international environments.
- is able to anticipate the opportunities and effects of
internationalisation at work.

No attached course units

H. Learning Skills

- is able to assess and develop one’s competences and learning
- is able to retrieve, process and analyse information critically.
- can assume responsibility for team learning and knowledge

No attached course units

I. Working Community Competence

- is able to function as a member of a work community and
contribute to its well-being.
- is able to function in various communication and interaction
situations at work.
- is able to use information and communication technology in the
tasks of one’s field.
- is able to create business contacts and to work in professional
- is able to make decisions in new and unforeseeable situations.
- is able to manage and supervise work and to work independently
in expert positions.
- has entrepreneurial skills and abilities

No attached course units

Not grouped
Leadership Development Plan I
Orientative Studies
Strategic Planning and Management
Developing Leadership
Investigative Development
Management of Human Resources
Proactive Management Methods
Developing Service System in Social Services and Health Care
Financial Management
Managerial International Competence
Renewable Immediate Leadership
Leadership Development Plan 2
Thesis Planning
Thesis Implementation
Thesis Finalising

Code Name Credits (cr)

(Choose all)

Developer of Professional Practice

(Choose all)

STJY2015 Leadership Development Plan I 1
LTJY2001 Self-management 1
STJY2011 Orientative Studies 2
LTPY002 Strategic Planning and Management 5
STJY6004 Developing Leadership 8
STJY6005 Investigative Development 7
STJY2013 Management of Human Resources 5
LTPY006 Proactive Management Methods 5
Researching Developer of Professional Practice

(Choose all)

STJY2018 Developing Service System in Social Services and Health Care 5
STJY6001 Financial Management 5
STJY6003 Managerial International Competence 5
STJY6002 Renewable Immediate Leadership 5
Expert Practitioner

(Choose all)

STJY2017 Leadership Development Plan 2 1
Optional Studies

(Choose 5)


(Choose all)

YY10002 Thesis Planning 5
YY10003 Thesis Implementation 20
YY10004 Thesis Finalising 5