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Master of Health Care (MA), Active Ageing, Development and Management, Fall, 2025: SIYS25

Code: SIYS25

Master's degree in Health Care and Social Sciences

Degree title:
Master of Health Care
Master of Health Care
Master of Social Services
Master of Health Care

90 ects

2.5 years (90 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2025


Master’s Programme in Active Ageing, virtual studies

Population ageing is reflected globally in both longer life expectancy and an increase in the proportion of older people in the population. An ageing society challenges the existing service structures and operating models, as well as the skills of professionals. Ageing is an individual process and older people have a wide range of resources and needs. This requires a broad range of skills and a holistic view of ageing at the level of society, communities and individuals. The agency of older people as well as their inclusion and the possibility of influencing are essential.

Active ageing has been a strategic focus of Karelia UAS for more than ten years. Promoting an age-friendly society is one of the development priorities of the Karelia2030 strategy. Our priorities in developing age-friendliness are: age-friendly living environments, memory-friendly society, age-friendly working life and client-oriented services and solutions. Karelia is developing a Master’s programme in Active Ageing and Age-Friendly Society within the European Higher Education Network.


Degree Title:
Master of Health Care, Physiotherapy
Master of Health Care, Applied Gerontology
Master of Health Care, Nursing
Master of Social Services
Master of Health Care, Public Health Nursing

Extent: 90 cr / 2,5 years

Description of Competences

Upon completion of the qualification, you will be an expert in active ageing and you will have the competence to work in multi-professional and multidisciplinary environments and work communities that support the well-being, health and rehabilitation of older people. You will be able to promote the inclusion and functional capacity of older and ageing people and to evaluate, develop and reform practices, processes and services. You will be able to work in demanding development, management and entrepreneurial roles. This Master’s degree gives equivalent qualifications for a public office or position as those of other higher education qualifications, except for the post of social worker.

Competence Development and the Content of Studies

Your studies consist of common core studies (70 cr.) and complementary studies (20 cr.).

The theme in your first year core competence studies is Expert in Active Ageing. You will familiarise yourself with the knowledge base of active ageing and rehabilitation competence and you learn how to implement development processes. In the courses Age-friendly Society and Prerequisites for the Activity of Older People, you will learn to explore the phenomena of an ageing society from the perspectives of society, communities and individuals, and to analyse the regional prerequisites for active ageing. In the courses Multidimensional Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation of Older People, you will strengthen your competence in both the theoretical basis of rehabilitation and its practical development. In the first academic year, you will draw a plan for your thesis of 30 cr. The course Investigative Development is integrated into the planning phase of your thesis and supports your competence in research development activities.

The theme in your second year core competence studies is Reflective Developer of Active Ageing. In your thesis, you will deepen your knowledge of your chosen topic and research development activities. In the courses Active Ageing and International Comparison of Ageing in Place, you will strengthen your international competence by comparing the promotion of active ageing in different social and cultural contexts.

In addition to the degree-specific competences, Karelia describes the common competences for all degrees. You will acquire the ethical competence needed to apply active ageing and rehabilitation practices extensively. You will be able to apply your work community competence both as an expert and as a manager or entrepreneur. Proactive competence development will enable you to work in demanding development tasks. International and multicultural competence facilitates comparisons and cooperation at international level. You will apply your knowledge of sustainable development to promoting the well-being, health and functional capacity of older people in a socially and economically sustainable way. During the education, you will develop your learning to learn skills.

For the theme of the complementary studies (20 cr.), you can choose either management, development or entrepreneurship. In your complementary study plan, you will define your personal learning objectives and the studies that will support them. Teacher-tutors and study counsellors support you in the planning of your complementary studies.

The process of professional development and reflection on your learning process will be integrated into your studies throughout your education. Your professional development will be supported through small group work and group development discussions. You will also have the opportunity for one-to-one discussion and guidance with your teacher-tutors and study counsellors. At the end of your studies, you will compile a learning portfolio that demonstrates your skills.

Work-Related Learning

You will incorporate your learning and previous knowledge and experience to the needs and processes of workplace development. The learning tasks are designed to respond to real-life development challenges: they are carried out in working life settings, either in the student's own workplace or in other organisations.

Usually, the thesis is commissioned by the student’s own employer, but it can also be commissioned by other organisations or Karelia research and development projects. We offer students thesis topics in the focus areas of the Karelia Centre for Age-Friendly Society (KAFS).

Participatory research and development activities require the thesis process to be carried out in cooperation with the actors in working life. You will publish the results of your thesis in the commissioning organisation and in the e-learning environment of the education. You will also be encouraged to publish your results in relevant publications.

Pedagogical Choices

This education implements student-centred pedagogy that aims to promote learner autonomy and critical thinking. Students are encouraged to be self-directed and active learners. The teacher's role is to provide guidance and support in developing students' learning and reflective skills. Students familiarise themselves with the study material through activities such as discussions, small group work, peer learning and phenomenon-based problem solving.

The content, learning methods, teaching methods and evaluation are derived from the objectives of the education. The education will be delivered entirely online, including guidance and teaching, independent studying, small group work, and knowledge acquisition and processing. The student’s calculated workload is 27 hours per credit. The majority of the learning is independent studying and group work. The studies require self-direction and the ability to combine studies with work and other areas of life.

We pay particular attention to interaction and collaborative learning. In the first year of your studies, besides to studying in your own small group, your starter group will have weekly collective online classes. Small groups work independently and autonomously. Courses include learning tasks for the small groups. From the second semester onwards, you will also be part of a thesis steering group. The student groups will meet regularly with the study counsellors and the teacher-tutors. The study counsellors are available for individual discussions on study planning and study-related matters.

The students and teachers of the degree programme form a community where we work together to develop an age-friendly society. Respecting and sharing knowledge and experience and learning together is the key. The community is made up of smaller communities such as student starter groups, small groups, thesis steering groups and a teaching team. As a student, you will work towards your own learning objectives, participate in working life development processes and share your knowledge with others. As teachers, we are committed to supporting your competence development process.

The education utilizes the e-learning environments of Karelia. There is an e-learning environment shared by all student groups. This environment also includes a group-specific online space for each starter group, which enables the sharing of experiences and knowledge between the group members. Furthermore, small groups have their own discussion areas and work spaces in the e-learning environment. Each course has its own e-learning environment.

Flexible Course Implementation

The online lessons for your student group are recorded so that you can watch them if you are unable to attend each time or want to return to the topics later. Independent studying can be scheduled according to your own timetable, and small group work is scheduled with the other members of your small group.

The education is designed for a study period of two years. The common studies will follow the curriculum: the courses will build on the knowledge acquired in previous courses. This will support your learning: progressing from the basics to advanced and specialised skills. If you wish, you can accelerate your studies in terms of complementary studies. Your previous studies can possibly be included into the complementary studies. In addition to Karelia, you can study complementary studies at other higher education institutions, for example through the national CampusOnline offerings and the joint courses offered by the Universities of Eastern Finland, known as cross-institutional studies. Using the summer semester for complementary studies and thesis work will accelerate your study progress.


The global nature of the ageing phenomenon and changes in working life, such as increased educational and labour migration, require international competence. You will develop your international competence throughout your studies. All courses include material in foreign languages and international partner universities of Karelia UAS may participate in the implementation of the courses. Some of the courses are taught in English. The course International Comparison of Ageing in Place includes an independent assignment that develops international competence and one of the options is an international field trip. The content of the education includes international comparison: reflecting on the contextualisation of practices and learning from solutions adopted elsewhere. Student exchanges are possible at partner universities of Karelia UAS.


The aim of assessment and feedback is to guide, motivate and support your professional development. Through assessment and feedback, you monitor the development of your competence and set new goals. Your competences will be assessed against the learning outcomes. The learning outcomes of the course specify the key learning outcomes of the qualification. The learning outcomes in Master’s Programmes are based on the European and National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (EQF and NQF), where the learning outcomes for the Master's Degree correspond to level 7.

The assessment of competences is an ongoing process throughout the education. You collect and reflect on this process in your professional development portfolio: you reflect on the achievement of the learning outcomes in your own learning and identify needs for further competence development. Self-assessment skills are a key component of your competence.

Peer assessment and feedback are part of the ongoing evaluation process. In your small group, you will receive feedback from other students on the development of your competences. Peer feedback plays a key role throughout the whole thesis process. When you work on your learning tasks and thesis in cooperation with the actors of working life, you have the opportunity to receive feedback from them on the development of your competences in relation to the competences needed in working life. The evaluation given by the teacher is feedback on the achievement of the learning objectives of the course. The assessment of the courses is based on the assessment criteria of the Master’s degree at Karelia UAS.

Career Opportunities

The Master’s Programme in Active Ageing creates the prerequisites for working in the public, private and third sectors. Typical jobs and job titles include development specialist, service manager, service supervisor, department manager, planner, project coordinator, project manager, entrepreneur and vocational teacher. To qualify as a teacher, you need to complete an additional course of pedagogical studies.

Teacher-tutors and study counsellors will support you in your career planning throughout your studies. Upon graduation, you will be encouraged to become a Karelia alumni.

Changes in working life and career development require continuous learning after graduation. Through further training, you will deepen your continuous learning skills. In addition to on-the-job learning and personnel training, you can complement your skills through the continuous learning services, such as courses offered by the Open University of Applied Sciences. The Master’s qualification makes you eligible to apply for post-graduate studies aiming at a doctorate.

Show study timings by semester, study year or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2025-2026 2026-2027 2027-2028 Autumn
1. / 2025 2. / 2025 3. / 2025 4. / 2026 5. / 2026 6. / 2026 1. / 2026 2. / 2026 3. / 2026 4. / 2027 5. / 2027 6. / 2027 1. / 2027 2. / 2027 3. / 2027
Expert in Active Ageing

(Choose all)

Evolving Competence in Active Ageing

(Choose all)

YI10001 Age-friendly Society 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
YI10002 Prerequisities for the Activity of Older People 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation

(Choose all)

YI10015 Supporting Ageing people in Their Rehabilitation 10 10 10 5 5
Professional Development

(Choose all)

YI10007 Professional Development 2 2 2 1 1
Reflective Developer of Active Ageing

(Choose all)

Active Ageing in International Context

(Choose all)

YI10008 Active Ageing 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
YI10009 International Comparison of Ageing in Place 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Complementary Studies

(Choose ects: 20)


(Choose ects: 20)

20 10 10 5 5 5 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5

(Choose ects: 20)

20 10 10 5 5 5 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5

(Choose ects: 20)

20 10 10 5 5 5 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5

(Choose all)

YI10006 Investigative Development 8 8 8 4 4
YY10002 Thesis Planning 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
YY10003 Thesis Implementation 20 20 10 10 5 5 5 5
YY10004 Thesis Finalising 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Total 90 33 37 0 10 23 20 17 0 0 5 5 11.5 11.5 0 0 10 10 8.5 8.5 0 0 0 0

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

Shared competences of UAS Master's degrees 2022

In Finnish universities of applied sciences, the competences of degrees have been defined as programme-specific competences and shared competences. Competences refer to extensive competence modules, which are combinations of individual knowledge, skills and attitudes. Programme-specific competences form the basis of a student's professional expertise. Shared competences are common competence areas for different programmes and degrees, and they create the foundation for operating in a workplace, cooperation and the development of expertise.

1 Learning to learn

The graduating student promotes their own and their community's continuous learning and competence development, drawing on knowledge from different fields and the opportunities of digitalisation.
- Is able to assess and develop their expertise diversely and in a goal-oriented manner at different stages of their career and life.
- Is able to acquire, critically assess and produce information while taking into account the perspectives of different fields.
- Is able to develop and manage goaloriented, continuous learning in their community.

Professional Development
2 Operating in a workplace

The graduating student is able to develop and manage their work community and reforms working life.
- Is able to develop and manage multidisciplinary teams and work communities.
- Is able to develop the communication and interaction culture of work communities.
- Is able to develop and manage the comprehensive well-being of a work community.
- Utilises the opportunities of technology and digitalisation in development and management.
- Promotes the resilience of a work community.

Age-friendly Society
Prerequisities for the Activity of Older People
Supporting Ageing people in Their Rehabilitation
Professional Development
Investigative Development
3 Ethics

The graduating student assesses and promotes the realisation of ethical principles and values of their field of profession, taking equality and non-discrimination into account.
- Is able to promote ethically sustainable activities and the realisation of ethical reflection in their different operating environments.
- Promotes the realisation of the ethical principles and values of their field.
- Makes decisions taking individual, communal and societal perspectives into account.
- Promotes the realisation of diversity and accessibility.
- Implements the principles of responsible conduct of research and promotes their application in their work community.
- Is able to manage societally influential activities based on ethical values.

Supporting Ageing people in Their Rehabilitation
Professional Development
Active Ageing
4 Sustainable development

The graduating student develops and manages sustainable and responsible operating methods in their work and promotes sustainable change in their work community and society.
- Is able to apply the knowledge and future visions of sustainable development comprehensively as a basis for sustainable solutions.
- Is able to analyse and assess systemic dependencies of complex multidisciplinary problems and the different dimensions of solutions
- Is able to manage the search, implementation and establishment of sustainable solutions and operating models in their work community.

Age-friendly Society
Supporting Ageing people in Their Rehabilitation
International Comparison of Ageing in Place
Investigative Development
5 Internationality and multiculturalism

The graduating student is able to develop and manage multicultural and international operating environments and networks.
- Is able to develop operating methods that take multiculturalism into account in their work community.
- Is able to anticipate the impacts and opportunities of global development and phenomena.
- Is able to interact, communicate and develop activities internationally in their own field.

Active Ageing
International Comparison of Ageing in Place
6 Proactive development

The graduating student is able to manage the development of new solutions that anticipate the future and produces new information using different research and development methods.

− Produces new information and reforms operating methods, combining competence in different fields.
- Is able to implement research, development and innovation projects and apply different research and development methods.
- Is able to develop new customer-oriented, sustainable and economically viable solutions, anticipating the future.
- Is able to analyse the current situation and anticipate the future of their field and changes in the operating environment.

Prerequisities for the Activity of Older People
Investigative Development
Not grouped
Thesis Planning
Thesis Implementation
Thesis Finalising

Active ageing and age-friendliness

The graduating student is able to act as an expert in active ageing and develop age-friendliness in multi-professional and multidisciplinary cooperation.

- understands ageing as a multidimensional and evolving social phenomenon and an individual process
- is able to plan and manage multidisciplinary development activities of age-friendly communities and society.
- is able to assess and promote the prerequisites for active ageing in older people.
- promotes the well-being, health, functional capacity, participation and agency of older people.
- is able to support and create opportunities for older people to participate in the development of services and activities.

Age-friendly Society
Prerequisities for the Activity of Older People
Supporting Ageing people in Their Rehabilitation
Active Ageing
International Comparison of Ageing in Place

The graduating student understands rehabilitation as a broad social phenomenon, a goal-oriented multi-professional activity and an individual process and understands the structures and processes of the rehabilitation service system.

- can apply key rehabilitation theories and conceptual frameworks as well as models and methods.
- is able to develop rehabilitation thinking in multi-professional context to promote the rehabilitation of older people.
- is able to interpret and apply in their work the legislation that governs rehabilitation work as well as national and international trends.
- is able to use evidence-based knowledge in their work.
- is able to anticipate and utilize the potential of welfare technology in promoting rehabilitation and apply the principles of accessibility and availability.

Supporting Ageing people in Their Rehabilitation
Not grouped
Professional Development
Investigative Development
Thesis Planning
Thesis Implementation
Thesis Finalising

Code Name Credits (cr)
Expert in Active Ageing

(Choose all)

Evolving Competence in Active Ageing

(Choose all)

YI10001 Age-friendly Society 5
YI10002 Prerequisities for the Activity of Older People 5
Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation

(Choose all)

YI10015 Supporting Ageing people in Their Rehabilitation 10
Professional Development

(Choose all)

YI10007 Professional Development 2
Reflective Developer of Active Ageing

(Choose all)

Active Ageing in International Context

(Choose all)

YI10008 Active Ageing 5
YI10009 International Comparison of Ageing in Place 5
Complementary Studies

(Choose ects: 20)


(Choose ects: 20)


(Choose ects: 20)


(Choose ects: 20)


(Choose all)

YI10006 Investigative Development 8
YY10002 Thesis Planning 5
YY10003 Thesis Implementation 20
YY10004 Thesis Finalising 5