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Russian Consumer BehaviourLaajuus (5 op)

Tunnus: LUP7005


5 op


  • englanti


  • Ekaterina Miettinen


The student familiarizes him/herself with the basic aspects of Consumer Behaviour including values, needs and tourism context.He/She is able to apply the theoretical knowledge into the context of a Russian consumer.


The student familiarizes him/herself with the Consumer Behaviour of Russians in the tourism context. Consumer values, needs and purchase behaviour of Russian tourist will be examined. The student learns main aspects of travel motivation of Russian tourists. The student is aware of basic theoretical issues of consumer behavior in general and special features of Russian consumer.Course materials by the teachers are in Karelia`s Moodle. Other sources can be used but sources must be mentioned in reports. Each topic includes an assignment which will be done by the instructions. In the final course assignment the students prepare small research on Russian consumer behaviour using the theoretical knowledge on consumer behaviour in tourism received during the course. The research should be done individually.Detailed information will be send by e-mail in the beginning of May.If You enroll via Meerkado, please open the link below to get more information (schedule etc.)To pass the course the student is expected topass all the course assignments informed in Moodle.Teacher of the courseEkaterina Miettinen and Jorma Korhonen