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Pain And Interaction As A Tool (5 cr)

Code: SP10010-3001

General information


01.04.2025 - 30.04.2025


02.06.2025 - 31.07.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Fysioterapeuttikoulutus (SF)


Tikkarinne Campus Tikkarinne 9

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


5 - 65

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Physiotherapy


  • Noora Silvennoinen

Teacher in charge

Noora Silvennoinen

Scheduling groups

  • Avoin AMK ja Ripa (Size: 20. Open UAS: 20.)
  • Tutkinto-opiskelijat (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)


  • KAKK25KE
    Karelia, Open UAS, All, Summer, 2025
  • TOP24_25
    Other Complimentary Studies Group Semester 2024-2025

Small groups

  • Open UAS Students and RIPA
  • Degree students


Learning Outcomes;
At the end of the module, you can:
- encounter a pain patient in healthcare and recognize the importance of interaction
- to guide different means to manage pain beside the usual care
- describe the basics on pain physiology and how pain is experienced.


The main contents of the course are:
- The importance of interaction and encountering the patient in pain management
- Definition of pain and transmission of pain signals
- Basics of acute pain management
- How pain becomes chronic and chronic pain management.
- Non-pharmacological pain regulation methods as a support for medication and other treatments

Evaluation scale
