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Pain Management in Physiotherapy (4 cr)

Code: SF10012-3008

General information


01.04.2025 - 30.04.2025


11.08.2025 - 19.12.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Fysioterapeuttikoulutus (SF)


Tikkarinne Campus Tikkarinne 9

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


20 - 40

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Physiotherapy


  • Noora Silvennoinen

Teacher in charge

Noora Silvennoinen


  • SFAK25
    Physiotherapist, Blended Learning, Spring, 2025


Part A: Pain physiotherapy, 2 ECTS
- You understand biopsychosocial approach to pain.
- You are able to implement holistic clinical reasoning using biopsychosocial framework of pain.
- You recognice special features of the encounters, interaction and communication with pain customer.
- You get familiar to different non-pharmacological treatment methods of pain.

Part B: Pathophysiology, 1 ECTS
- You recognize key concepts of pathophysiology and are able to use them as reading literature of physiotherapy.
- You are able to describe physiology of acute and chronic pain.
- You can recognise stages of healing process.
- You know possibilities physiotherapy treatment in different stages.

Part C: Neuroanatomy and physiology and basics of neurological and neurodynamic assessment and treatment in physiotherapy, 1 ECTS
- You can recognise and assess the structures and function of neural system.
- You know basics of neurodynamic treatment.


Part A: Pain physiotherapy, 2 ECTS
- Pain as biopsychosocial phenomena.
- Pain related, holistic clinical reasoning using biopsychosocial approach to pain.
- Pain related encounters, interaction and communication: practical training.
- Different non-pharmacological treatment methods of pain.

Part B: Pathophysiology, 1 ECTS
- Key concepts of pathophysiology in literature of physiotherapy.
- Physiology of acute and chronic pain.
- Stages of healing process
- Possibilities of physiotherapy treatment in different healing stages.

Part C: Neuroanatomy and physiology and basics of neurological and neurodynamic assessment and treatment in physiotherapy, 1 ECTS
- Recalling of neuroanatomy and -physiology
- Assessment of myotomes, dermatomes, and reflexes in practice
- Assessment of neurodynamics and neurodynamic treatment

Location and time

Contact lessons are provided in Karelia UAS's Tikkarinne Campus (Tikkarinne 9, 80200 Joensuu)


Part A: Physiotherapy in Pain Management, 2 ECTS
- Textbook for learning in course and for learning assignment: Luomajoki, H., Koho, P., Ojala, T., Röning, T., Takatalo, J., Tarnanen, S., Holopainen, R., Mikkonen, J., Ekström, K. & Kouri, JP. 2020. Ammattilaisen Kipukirja. VK-Kustannus Oy, Lahti.

Part B: Pathophysiology, 1 ECTS
- Textbook for learning in course and for learning assignment: Pasanen, K., Haapasalo, H., Halen, P. ja Parkkari J. 2021. Urheiluvammojen ehkäisy, hoito ja kuntoutus. VK-kustannus Oy, Lahti.

Osa C: Neuroanatomy and Physiology and basics of neurological and neurodynamic assessment and treatment, 1 ECTS
- Textboor for exam: Leppäluoto, J., Rintamäki, H., Vakkuri, O., Vierimaa, H. & Lauri, T. Anatomia ja fysiologia rakenteesta toimintaan.

Teaching methods

Course consists of three parts:

Part A: Physiotherapy in Pain Management: , 2 ECTS

Part B: Pathophysiology, 1op

Osa C: Neuroanatomy and Physiology and basics of neurological and neurodynamic assessment and treatment, 1 ECTS

Learning is supported by Flipped Learning method:
- Learning process is guided by learning tasks and independent studying. Learning process is presented in Moodle.
- Knowledge and skills acquired by earning tasks and independent studying are applied and practiced in contact lessons.

Exam schedules

Course includes 10 learning assignments. Learning assignments are scheduled and the schedule is presented in Moodle.

International connections

This course is not available for Exchange Students.

Completion alternatives

No optional methods of execution.

Student workload

4 ECTS = 108 hours of students work

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass: Student has passed all 10 learning tasks in given schedule.

Fail: Student has not passed all 10 learning tasks in given schedule.

Further information

Previous studies and competences are required to this course:
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Functional Anatomy
- Motor development and learning
- Guiding and Instructing Health-Enhancing Physical Activities (Incl. individual and group instruction and guidance, Motivational Interview: Theory and Practice)

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Student passes all 10 learning assignments. Learning assignments and evaluation criteria are presented on Moodle.