English at Work for Social Services (3 cr)
Code: SS10014-3013
General information
01.04.2025 - 30.04.2025
13.08.2025 - 31.10.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Tikkarinne Campus Tikkarinne 9
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Social Services
- Jaana Jussila
Teacher in charge
Jaana Jussila
SSAK25Bachelor of Social Services, Blended learning, Spring, 2025
• You can describe your studies and future profession in healthcare and social services both in speaking and writing.
• You can communicate appropriately in various work-related contexts both in speaking and in writing.
• You are able to research information and read texts related to social services.
• You master core vocabulary in the field of social services.
• studying at a university of applied sciences
• job description
• telephone communication
• email communication
• conversational skills
• client interview and guidance
• services provided by Kela
• various client groups
• field-specific terminology
• activities of daily living and assistive equipment
• reading and writing skills
Location and time
Online, course attendance 80%
Moodle materials
Teaching methods
Course goals:
• You can describe your studies and future profession in healthcare and social services both in speaking and writing.
• You can communicate appropriately in various work-related contexts both in speaking and in writing.
• You are able to research information and read texts related to nursing.
• You master core vocabulary in the field of health care.
Core content:
• job description
• telephone communication
• conversational skills
• patient/client interview and guidance
• field-specific terminology
• activities of daily living and assistive equipment
• reading and writing skills
Exam schedules
Final exam at the end of the course, two resits.
Completion alternatives
Accreditation of prior learning (AHOT process). Contact the lecturer in charge.
Student workload
3 ECTS credits = approximately 80 hours of student's work
Evaluation scale
Assessment methods and criteria
Course assessment is based on the final exam at the end of the course, as well as the written and spoken performance in assignments, and active participation in the course.
Course attendance 80%
Assessment criteria, fail (0)
The student fails to do the given task. / The student fails to understand the task instructions entirely or misunderstands a major part of the task. / The message does not get through to the audience, it is very difficult to follow, and/or there are severe problems in delivering the message. / There are severe problems in delivery and using the language to communicate in the situation or understanding the messages of others. / The student has not understood the situation and his role in it. In a speech, the student fails to speak or consistently uses written language by reading a text out loud. / The student has copied a large part of his message from someone else’s text or speech. The student has not done his part of a teamwork assignment.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Discussing a subject in different professional situations is rather limited and simple. The text or speech meets only some of the requirements of the task, and there is a lot to improve in the logical structure and fluency of the text/speech. The student has partially understood the task, but there are some aspects still missing. The student uses satisfactory language: it includes simple or basic structures, There are still mistakes in the basic grammar structures too. Some or several parts of the message can be misunderstood. The text is not very coherent or logical. The language includes a lot of simple expressions, which may also contain some errors. Speaking about professional topics is satisfactory, simple, slow, insecure, and on some matters even poor. Interaction in speaking is minimal, or partly lacking. The main message is still delivered. There is a lot of hesitation, the pauses in speech may be long, and the pronunciation may interfere with the delivery. The student may still understand the importance of small talk, and how to be polite in English.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Discussing the subject is for the most part versatile, and the text/speech meets the requirements of the task in versatile professional situations in speaking and writing. The text/speech is clear, logical, or fairly logical. The message is coherent for the most part, but there can be some minor lapses in it. The student has understood the appropriate style and is able to use it for the most part. There may still be some stylistic errors, but they are minor or not consistent. The language is fluent, clear, and mostly correct. The majority of the structures the student uses are correct and he/she can use professional terminology to deliver the message. The basic grammar is correct. The more demanding and advanced structures and idiomatic expressions still cause some problems. The student has understood the instructions of the task. Speaking is clear, fluent and skillful for the most part, and the speaker succeeds well in the communication. The speech is also cohesive, logical, and easy to follow. The speaker engages the audience, in both verbal and non-verbal language. There may still be some hesitation, pauses and errors in pronunciation, but they are not consistent and they do not obstruct the message.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student can use skillful, fluent, and precise expressions on variable subjects and he/she can communicate effectively in different kinds of professional situations, even complex ones. The student has understood the task extremely well. The student also succeeds in persuading others in English. The text/speech is very clear, logical, and versatile. The message is very coherent and the ideas are linked together fluently. The student can deliver the message in a natural and idiomatic way and the message is stylistically appropriate. The use of English is fluent and the structures are very versatile. In addition, the vocabulary is extensive. The use of non-verbal communication is natural and appropriate. Moreover, it supports verbal language very well. The spoken communication is very interactive and natural. The student's speech, intonation, and pronunciation are fluent, clear, and precise. The tempo is natural and appropriat