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What Everyone Should Know About Pain? (1 cr)

Code: SF10039-3006

General information


01.04.2024 - 17.11.2024


23.09.2024 - 06.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

1 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Open UAS


Tikkarinne Campus Tikkarinne 9

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


1 - 150

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Physiotherapy


  • Noora Silvennoinen

Teacher in charge

Noora Silvennoinen

Scheduling groups

  • Avoin amk ja RIPA (Size: 50. Open UAS: 50.)
  • Tutkinto-opiskelijat (Size: 20. Open UAS: 0.)


  • TOP24_25
    Other Complimentary Studies Group Semester 2024-2025
  • KAKS24
    Karelia, Open UAS, All, Fall, 2024

Small groups

  • Open UAS and RIPA
  • Degree Students


Learning Outcomes;
At the end of the module, you are able to:
- determine factors related to pain
- recognize/appreciate pain as an experience
- identify the differences between acute and chronic pain
- identify different means to manage pain


What is pain?
* Why do we experience pain- what is its meaning?
* How is the pain message transmitted in the body? What does it mean to experience pain?
* What are the differences between acute and chronic pain?
* How else can pain be classified?
How can we influence pain without medication/ Drug-free means to influence pain?
* What is the internal medicine cabinet in our body- what it means and how can we use it?

Evaluation scale
