Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Finances (5 cr)
Code: SY10010-3005
General information
01.04.2025 - 30.04.2025
11.08.2025 - 03.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Tikkarinne Campus Tikkarinne 9
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 120
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Degree Programme in Social Services
- Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing
- Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Degree Programme in Occupational Theraphy
- Mirka Nisula
- Helena Ikonen
- Tarja Laatikainen
Teacher in charge
Tarja Pesonen-Sivonen
SHNS23Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing, Full-time studies, Fall, 2023
SHFS23Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing, Blended Learning, Fall, 2023, Fast Track
SHAS23Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing, Blended Learning, Fall, 2023
SFNS23Physiotherapist, Full-time Studies, Fall, 2023
SSAS23Bachelor of Social Services, Blended learning, Fall, 2023
SKAS23Bachelor of Health Care, Occupational Therapy, Blended Learning, Fall, 2023
SSNS23Bachelor of Social Services, Full-time Studies, Fall, 2023
STNS23Public Health Nurse, Full-time Studies, Fall, 2023
Management, Economy and Entrepreneurship 3 ECTS
I understand the environment in social and health care as a multidimensional and constantly changing entity
I am able to lead responsibly continuous development
I recognise labour law
I understand the principles and practices of strategic and related management
I understand the principles of social and health economics
I know the principles and practices relating to the creation and operation of a social and health business
Utilization of recorded information, knowledge management 2 ECTS
I know how to use the data generated in the customer's service and the organization's activities
I know how to evaluate multi-professionally generated data
I know to assess the reliability of information
Management 2 ECTS
Social and health environment (e.g. different structures and cultures, technology and digitalisation, megatrends)
Strategic and related management (e.g. quality work and development, knowledge identification and communal knowledge management)
Different aspects of management (e.g. ethics, dialogicism, accountability, multidisciplinary, well-being at work)
Labour law, safety and safety at work
Economics and Entrepreneurship 1 ECTS
- Economic Competence and Budgeting
- Productification, Competition and Marketing
- Entrepreneurial Competence in Social and Health
Utilization of recorded information, knowledge management 2 ECTS
- Exploitation of recorded information multiprofessionally in social and health services
- Methods of utilization of information, quality of service, continuity of care and service, statistics, research
- Information management and guidance development locally and nationally
Teaching methods
Management, Economy and Entrepreneurship 3 ECTS
I understand the environment in social and health care as a multidimensional and constantly changing entity
I am able to lead responsibly continuous development
I recognise labour law
I understand the principles and practices of strategic and related management
I understand the principles of social and health economics
I know the principles and practices relating to the creation and operation of a social and health business
Utilization of recorded information, knowledge management 2 ECTS
I know how to use the data generated in the customer's service and the organization's activities
I know how to evaluate multi-professionally generated data
I know to assess the reliability of information
Evaluation scale