Project ManagementLaajuus (5 op)
Tunnus: LTK6027
5 op
- englanti
- Jarno Mertanen
The goal of the course is that you will know the basic concepts and practices of project-based management and can apply selected key concepts in practice. You also understand the requirements that projects set toward the role and duties of a project manager. The course focuses on the knowledge, methods and skills of project planning and control that are needed for managing single projects successfully, throughout the lifecycle of the project.
Project management course will familiarise students with the key concepts, practices and methods of project-based management, as well as the role and duties of a project manager, basic concepts of projects, project-based management and project business, the basic methods of project-based management, including managing project scope, schedule and costs as well as managing resources, procurement and risks, the role of the project manager, particularly in connection with project-based organizing and managing the project team. Selected key issues are regarding project business, such as project marketing and sales, project-related services, and the entity of managing project business. The course consists of the students familiarising with the course literature and enhancing the understanding of project-based management through participating in lectures, group assignments and the exam.
01.10.2022 - 31.10.2022
09.01.2023 - 28.04.2023
5 op
Insinöörikoulutus / Konetekniikka (IK)
Wärtsilä-kampus Karjalankatu 3 (WÄR)
- Suomi
- Konetekniikan koulutus
- Markku Havu
Markku Havu
IKNS21Insinööri (AMK), Konetekniikka, päivä, syksy, 2021
The goal of the course is that you will know the basic concepts and practices of project-based management and can apply selected key concepts in practice. You also understand the requirements that projects set toward the role and duties of a project manager. The course focuses on the knowledge, methods and skills of project planning and control that are needed for managing single projects successfully, throughout the lifecycle of the project.
Project management course will familiarise students with the key concepts, practices and methods of project-based management, as well as the role and duties of a project manager, basic concepts of projects, project-based management and project business, the basic methods of project-based management, including managing project scope, schedule and costs as well as managing resources, procurement and risks, the role of the project manager, particularly in connection with project-based organizing and managing the project team. Selected key issues are regarding project business, such as project marketing and sales, project-related services, and the entity of managing project business. The course consists of the students familiarising with the course literature and enhancing the understanding of project-based management through participating in lectures, group assignments and the exam.
Aika ja paikka
-Projektihallinnan käsikirja; Risto Pelin 2011 tai uudempi; ISBN: 9789519743097
-Projektiliiketoiminta;Artto Karlos, Martinsuo Miia, Kujala Jaakko; ISBN: 951031482X
-MS Project-ohjelman ohjeet
-Muu opettajan jakama materiaali
Opiskelija saa valmiuksia IPMA C sertifikaatin suorittamiseen ja oppii hyödyntämään MS Project-ohjelmaa
Keskeinen sisältö
-projektin asettaminen
-projektin laajuuden hallinta ja osittaminen
-projektin vaiheistus ja aikataulutus
-projektin resurssien hallinta
-projektin kustannusten hallinta
-projektin riskien hallinta
-projektin organisointi ja raportointijärjestelmä
-MS Project-ohjelman hyödyntäminen projektinhallinnassa
Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet
-yksi tenttikerta opintojaksolla
-korotus- ja uusintatentit EXAM-tenttijärjestelmässä
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
Opiskelijan työmäärä 133 tuntia.
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
-koe, jonka painoarvo arvioinnissa on 50%
-harjoitustyö, jonka painoarvo arvioinnissa on 50%