Mapping and Geographic Information SystemsLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: BIY6008
5 op
Teaching language
- Finnish
Responsible person
- Markus Huhtinen
Share of lecturer TaTo: the student masters the defining the coordinates (WGS84 and Finnish National systems ETRS-TM35FIN, YKJ and KKJ) from the topographic map without any technical equipment. The student masters the use of compass and knows the basics of the orienteering by using the compass and the topographic map. The student can the basics of the use of the GPS equipment the typical type of equipment with the accuracy of 2...3 metres, i. e. the orienteering, recording the coordinates and transferring coordinates into the GIS-system and measuring the area.
Markus Huhtinen: Basics of Cartography. Basics of GIS systems. Opening existing map documents with ArcGIS. Attribute data queries. Spatial queries of map data. Creating map documents and thematic maps with ArcGIS. Embedding maps to documents.Registration of raster layers to coordinate systems. Map objectdigitizing and attribute data storage. Map visualisation.Basics of Remote Sensing.
Share of lecturer TaTo: the lectures, the practical training with the equipment mentioned above. The elementary use of the GIS-system in the computer classroom.
Markus Huhtinen: Lectures. The GIS lab workswith ArcGIS, individual assignments.