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Bachelor of Engineering, Information and Communication Technology, Full-time Studies, Fall, 2025: ICNS25

Code: ICNS25

Bachelor of Engineering

Degree title:
(Graduate) Engineer, Information and Communication Technology

240 ects

4 years (240 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2025


Bachelor of Engineering, Information and Communication Technology

Karelia University of Applied Sciences' degree in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) provides you an opportunity to gain an up-to-date and wide knowhow for working on the ICT field in Finland and especially in North-Karelia region. The studies take place in modern learning environments and are strongly linked to the real future expertise needs presented by ICT companies. In addition, all students in the degree program network with experts in local ICT companies during their studies according to their chosen specialization target.

Your studies will consist of ICT common core and complementary studies. You will learn fundamental ICT knowhow during the common core studies, and about a year of those studies are carried out in co-operation with the University of Eastern Finland. You can choose complementary studies from Karelia's offering and/or join to the one-year specialization studies offered by INVEST European University Alliance. At Karelia, you can complement your ICT studies in intelligent automation or software engineering. You can deepen your skills, for example, in machine learning, artificial intelligence, software robotics, big data and data analytics, the Internet of Things, and Lean thinking. In addition, you may deepen your ICT expertise in the INVEST specialization called Society 5.0 and Digital Transformation. That program focuses on data acquisition and processing, and computer networking.


Degree title Bachelor of Engineering
Extent 240 cr / 4 yrs

Description of Competences

ICT engineer needs the ability to apply knowledge to practice and good teamwork skills. Aiming at that goal, your studies will focus on three dimensions in the professional context: knowledge, skills, and disposition. Knowledge dimension designates an expertise in core concepts and content of ICT and application of learning to new situations. Skills refer to capabilities that develop during the studies via supervised practice and with interactions with others students and ICT experts. Dispositions include personal qualities such as socio-emotional skills, behaviors, and attitudes that describe the capacity to carry out tasks and the sensitivity to know when and how to participate in those tasks.

Firstly, you develop fundamental ICT knowledge and skills, and your capabilities to work as individual and as a team member during the common core studies. Those studies are common to all ICT engineering students and refer to those competencies (knowledge, skills, and disposition) that all students in all information technology degree programs must achieve. You will learn programming and application development skills, use of development environments and other technologies, operation of ICT infrastructure, basics of information security, data management, digital technology, computer networks, software automation, ICT business, management of software projects and development methods, and basics of artificial intelligence and machine learning. In addition, you develop the skills required in Finnish language and communication, as well as English (and Finnish nationals also in Swedish), and you will learn to update your skills in line with future technology trends. Therefore, you will be able to work both independently and as part of a team.

Secondly, you deepen your knowledge and skills in the complementary studies. Those studies prepare you for ICT professions on job-market. Currently, you can choose from two different ICT specialization based on your interest: intelligent automation and software engineering.

• As an intelligent automation expert, you have comprehensive and practical set of competencies that you can use to digitize, enhance and develop the services and processes of companies and other organizations. You are able to build digital service platforms, manage cloud and hybrid infrastructures, and develop intelligent automation solutions using for example the Internet of Things, machine learning, artificial intelligence, Digital Twins, and possibly quantum computing.

• As an software engineering expert, you know how to work in expert positions at different stages of software development. You will be able to apply the software engineering approach effectively and with the perspectives of customers and other stakeholders in mind. During your studies, you will learn how to make application programs that work locally, online, and in a variety of mobile devices. You have internalized the latest technologies and practices and you will be able to choose the right tools and methods for the development of those application programs.

In addition to the local specialization, you may choose to widen your knowledge in the INVEST European University Alliance specializations in the autumn of the third year. ICT related INVEST specialization is called Society 5.0 and Digital Transformation. In that specialization you learn how to deal with wicked problems towards urban and regional development and sustainability.

Thirdly, you may strengthen your personal qualities and know-how in the elective studies. You choose the electives based on your personal interests. Elective studies can be any studies offered by Karelia, other European universities, or you may advance your career by completing certain certifications offered by international ICT companies, for example, AWS Certifications via Amazon Web Services training.

Competence Development and the Content of Studies

The degree program contains 180 ECTS common core studies and 60 ECTS complementary studies.

The common core studies refer to those competencies that all students in the degree programs must achieve. Those studies develop you a solid foundation for professional ICT know-how. The studies contain 135 ECTS core courses, 30 ECTS supervised internship in working life, and 15 ECTS thesis. The thesis process is divided into three five-credit courses called Thesis Plan, Thesis Implementation, and Thesis Reporting.
he complementary studies related to software engineering and intelligent automation refer to those competencies that the students require for some locally valued specialization. Those studies contain 30 ECTS specialization studies, 15 ECTS project work, and 15 ECTS electives. These studies materialize on the 2nd and 3th year, and you can choose one of them. In addition to those locally valued specialization, you can choose INVEST specialization studies on the 4th year. Those studies prepare you to manage digital transformation and you gain technical expertise in fields of data acquisition and processing, and computer networking. INVEST studies contain 30 ECTS specialization studies, 15 ECTS living lab project and 15 ECTS thesis.

The first year studies focus is on the common core studies. You gain necessary basic knowledge and skills in programming, databases, information security, digital electronics, and IT infrastructure as a whole. You also learn teamwork skills and study languages. The first year studies lay a foundation for your professional development as an ICT professional.

The second year studies deepen your skills in programming and professional ICT skills, and you gain basic knowledge in specialization area you select. The common core studies focus on applied sciences, computer networks, fundamentals of software engineering, and deepen your programming skills. In addition, you further develop your professional language skills. The complementary studies related to software engineering studies focus on basic of web programming, deepen your database expertise, and you learn computer server management skills. Intelligent automation studies focus on IoT programming, IoT infrastructure as a whole, and the principles and practice of product and service quality.

The third year studies make you an ICT professional in your chosen field of specialization. The common core studies lead you to the world of modern software engineering. Studies cover the latest development of machine learning, data mining, data engineering and software engineering. In addition, you will learn the basics of scientific writing. The complementary studies related to software engineering focus on full stack software development including mobile platforms. Intelligent automation studies focus on technologies of smart regions, cities, and building, business process management and workflow automation, and generally intelligent automation. In addition you can choose 10 ECTS elective studies based on your personal interest. Hence, you can:

• deepen you knowledge in your specialization area
• widen your language skills
• take courses from other Karelia UAS degree programs. For example, from Industrial Mangement
• take courses from other universities. For example, from University of Eastern Finland

The project work is a significant part of the third year studies. It aims at adjusting teaching to the ongoing demands and challenges of the fast developing ICT field. The project work is a large entity, managed with agile methods, and contribute to deepening students knowledge in their specialization. A project organization comprises students acting in different roles, and instructors ensure the project members have sufficient skills and knowledge before starting a project by customized teaching. Projects are evaluated according to unified criteria to ensure balanced grading in order to support your professional development.

If you choose INVEST specialization program in the autumn of third year, the practical training of your studies are divided to two parts: the project work of local specialization studies and the research project in INVEST program’s living lab. That research project will materialize in the fourth study year.

The fourth year studies offer you two options depending on the choice you make on the third year. You may finalize your studies at Karelia or INVEST specialization program at INVEST partner university. At Karelia, you study research and development methodologies, do a thesis, choose 5 ECTS elective studies, and complete supervised internship (practical training) in some appropriate work. At INVEST program you study and analyse how the digital transformation can be shaped to ensure it supports transitions towards more sustainable societies. INVEST's partner in charge of studies is the University of Thessaly, hence, the contact studies take place in Greece.

Pedagogical Choices

The studies are implemented using multiform teaching and learning. Some of the studies are carried out in e-learning environment and cloud-based platforms, but some other studies require physical presence of the students. The used e-learning environments allow flexibility regarding the time and place of study (e.g. the recordings of the lectures and development platforms are accessible from outside of school). In spite of that, the face-to-face learning is necessary when students practise their communication and teamwork skills, and study IT infrastructure equipments and construction of computer networks. As a result of multiform teaching and learning, students learn to work in decentralized expert organizations, but also they internalize vital teamwork skills needed at workplaces.

In addition to school environment, the curriculum includes project studies that are carried out in close cooperation with local companies, and thus students learn to work in real life ICT projects. Hence, their studies will not only develop their professional knowledge but also their interaction and team work skills in authentic environments.

At the individual level, students will grow into the role of an independent developer and problem solver in the ICT sector. That process is supported via learning arrangements including, for example, lecture recordings, distance learning, and taking into account students’ previous know-how. In addition, students receive regular support from both study counselors and course teachers to plan and structure their studies.

At the team level, the teaching methods play a key role in supporting students. Due to distance learning arrangements, students may not be in the lessons at the same time and therefore the grouping of students is supported through, for example, pair work, group work, laboratory work, and various discussion forums. In addition, project work, company assignments and problem-based learning, which are a key part of the studies, guide students to support each other's studies, communicate with other experts and serve as members of development teams. These pedagogical choices also support the development of your working life skills. Those skills are vital because you likely will implement various ICT projects in development teams.


This degree program is itself international and multicultural due to its multinational student body. You have also an opportunity to widen your international expertise by including INVEST specialization as a part of your degree. In addition, you can include to your degree program a period of study or internship from one of the Karelia’s partner universities.
One opportunity to learn more about other cultures is to take part in an international intensive week either in Joensuu or abroad.


The assessment of learning is linked to your continuously developing professional skills and your growing as an ICT expert. The development of your professional competence is assessed in relation to the learned knowledge and the skills to apply that knowledge, as well as the ability to assess the wider effects of your own activities as an ICT specialist.

The assessment may use your self-assessment, peer review, and feedback from fellow students. The assessment also uses the feedback from working life. With the help of the assessment and the feedback you receive, you monitor the development of your skills and set new goals. Karelia has common assessment criteria, which are used to define assessment on a course-by-course basis.
Your competence is assessed in the courses mainly on a numerical scale 0-5. Some studies are also assessed on the pass / fail scale.

Career Opportunities

As ICT engineers, the program graduates have the competence to work on information and communication technology fields on computing. More specifically, students gain up-to-date know-how on intelligent automation and software development during their studies. In addition, they will have diverse project management skill and competences as an entrepreneur. This is noteworthy, because the development of information and communication technology constantly creates opportunities for the development of new business applications, integration and automation. Therefore, ICT engineers are employed in a wide range of jobs in a variety of industries, from large global organizations to small and medium-sized enterprises. The diversity of the ICT field, constant development of technology, and your own interests create different career opportunities.

Examples of the business opportunities include software robotics, Big data analytics, the Internet of Things, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and various virtual and augmented reality technologies (AR/VR), whose development demands diverse professional competences. Due to rapid digitalization there is a continuous need for new ICT solutions in business, industry, health and welfare services, and travel and free time services.

Continuous changes in working life and your own career development require continuous learning after graduation. A significant part of learning takes place in connection to work, but it can be made more effective through formal training. You can supplement your own skills with studies at the Open University of Applied Sciences or with a degree leading to a master's degree. Completing a master's degree opens up opportunities for, for example, managerial positions, demanding development positions or as a teacher. It is noteworthy, that after graduating from Karelia, you can apply for a master's degree studies in Computer Science at the University of Eastern Finland.

You get help for your career planning in the course focusing on professional growth and in the networking events with working life actors. Those events are separately announced during each academic year. In addition, the teacher tutor and study counselor will support you in your career planning throughout your studies. If you wish, you can also use Karelia's career services on the eve of graduation.

Show study timings by semester, study year or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2025-2026 2026-2027 2027-2028 2028-2029 Autumn
1. / 2025 2. / 2025 3. / 2025 4. / 2026 5. / 2026 6. / 2026 1. / 2026 2. / 2026 3. / 2026 4. / 2027 5. / 2027 6. / 2027 1. / 2027 2. / 2027 3. / 2027 4. / 2028 5. / 2028 6. / 2028 1. / 2028 2. / 2028 3. / 2028 4. / 2029 5. / 2029 6. / 2029
ICT Creator

(Choose all)

Professional Practise

(Choose ects: 20)

IC10001 Career Planning and Development 1 2 2 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
IC10002 English Communication Skills 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
IC10003 Working in International Teams 2 2 2 1 1
IC10004 ICT Business 3 3 3 3
For Foreign Nationals

(Choose all)

KP10017 Finnish 1 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
KP10018 Finnish 2 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
For Finnish Nationals

(Choose ects: 10)

IC10005 Business Communication in Finnish 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
ICT Fundamentals

(Choose all)

IC10006 Introduction to Computing 5 5 5 5
IC10007 IT Infrastructure Architecture 5 5 5 5
IC10008 Human Factors of Interactive Technology 5 5 5 5
IC10009 Data Management Systems 1 5 5 5 5
IC10010 Introduction to Information Security 5 5 5 5
IC10011 Digital Technology Essentials 5 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Programming Fundamentals

(Choose all)

IC10012 Elementary Programming 5 5 5 5
IC10013 Object-Oriented Programming 5 5 5 5
IC10014 User Interface Programming 5 5 5 5
ICT Enabler

(Choose all)

Professional Practise

(Choose ects: 9)

IC10015 Career Planning and Development 2 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
IC10052 Professional English 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
For Foreign Nationals

(Choose all)

KP10019 Finnish 3 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
For Finnish Nationals

(Choose all)

IC10017 Business Communication in Swedish 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
IC10016 Swedish for Work 2 2 2 1 1
Engineering Fundamentals

(Choose all)

IC10018 Data Structures and Algorithms 5 5 5 5
IC10019 Engineering Mathematics 5 5 5 5
IC10020 Engineering Physics 5 5 5 5
IC10021 Discrete Mathematics and Computability 5 5 5 5
Basics of Software Development

(Choose all)

IC10022 Web Programming 5 5 5 5
IC10023 Applied Networks 6 6 6 3 3
IC10024 Software Engineering 1 5 5 5 5
The Complementary Studies

(Choose ects: 15)

Software Engineering

(Choose all)

IC10025 API Programming 5 5 5 5
IC10026 Data Management Systems 2 5 5 5 5
IC10027 Server Management 5 5 5 5
Intelligent Automation

(Choose all)

IC10028 IoT Programming 5 5 5 5
IC10029 Quality Engineering and Software Testing 5 5 5 5
IC10030 IoT and Cloud Services 5 5 5 5
ICT Producer

(Choose all)

Professional Practise

(Choose all)

IC10031 English for Thesis Writing 2 2 2 2
Modern Software Development

(Choose all)

IC10032 Machine Learning and Data Mining 5 5 5 5
IC10033 Software Engineering 2 10 10 10 5 5
IC10034 Data Engineering 3 3 3 3
The Complementary Studies

(Choose ects: 40)


(Choose ects: 10)

10 10 5 5 5 5
Software Engineering

(Choose all)

IC10035 Backend Development 5 5 5 5
IC10036 Frontend Development 5 5 5 5
IC10037 Mobile Application Development 5 5 5 5
IC10038 Project Work 15 15 15 15
Intelligent Automation

(Choose all)

IC10039 Smart Regions, Cities and Buildings 5 5 5 5
IC10040 Intelligent Automation 5 5 5 5
IC10041 Business Process Management and Workflow Automation 5 5 5 5
IC10038 Project Work 15 15 15 15

(Choose ects: 30)

ICT Innovator

(Choose ects: 55)

Specialization Option

(Choose ects: 45)

Common Core Studies

(Choose all)

Professional Practise

(Choose all)

IC10042 Career Planning and Development 3 2 2 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
IC10043 Research and Development Methodologies 3 3 3 3
Practical Training

(Choose all)

IC10044 Practical training 30 30 30 15 15

(Choose ects: 5)

5 5 5 5
Invest Specialization: Society 5.0 and Digital Transformation

(Choose all)

IC10045 Socio-Economics and ICT in supporting Decision Making for Regional Development 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
IC10046 Innovative Monitoring Systems for the Environment 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
IC10047 Networks and Digital Systems for Rural and Regional Development 6 6 6 3 3
IC10048 Regional Sustainability using Innovative ICT 6 6 6 3 3
IC10049 Modelling and Simulation for Wicked Problems in Regional Sustainability 6 6 6 3 3
IC10050 Language and Cultural Awareness Host Country 2 2 2 1 1
IC10051 Research project in Living Lab UTH 15 15 15 7.5 7.5

(Choose all)

KY10006 Thesis Planning 5
KY10007 Thesis Implementation 5
KY10008 Thesis Finalising 5
Total 240 70 80 80 80 33.5 36.5 40.5 39.5 35 45 61 19 0 17 16.5 19.5 17 0 0 15.3 25.3 19.8 19.8 0 0 17 18 15 30 0 0 30.5 30.5 11 8 0

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

Shared competences of UAS Bachelor's degrees 2022

In Finnish universities of applied sciences, the competences of degrees have been defined as programme-specific competences and shared competences. Competences refer to extensive competence modules, which are combinations of individual knowledge, skills and attitudes. Programme-specific competences form the basis of a student's professional expertise. Shared competences are common competence areas for different programmes and degrees, and they create the foundation for operating in a workplace, cooperation and the development of expertise.

1 Learning to Learn

The graduating student recognises the strengths and development areas of their competence and learning methods, and they utilise the opportunities communities and digitalisation provide in their learning.

- Assesses and develops their competence and learning methods in different learning environments.
- Is able to acquire, critically assess and appropriately apply the national and
international knowledge base and practices of their field.
- Also takes responsibility for group learning and sharing what has been

Career Planning and Development 1
English Communication Skills
Finnish 1
Business Communication in Finnish
IT Infrastructure Architecture
Data Management Systems 1
Career Planning and Development 2
Professional English
Finnish 3
Business Communication in Swedish
Swedish for Work
Discrete Mathematics and Computability
Data Management Systems 2
Quality Engineering and Software Testing
English for Thesis Writing
Machine Learning and Data Mining
Project Work
Business Process Management and Workflow Automation
Project Work
Career Planning and Development 3
Research and Development Methodologies
Practical training
Regional Sustainability using Innovative ICT
Modelling and Simulation for Wicked Problems in Regional Sustainability
2 Operating in a Workplace

The graduating student has versatile working life skills and is able to operate in work communities of their field.

- Is able to work constructively in a work community and promotes their own
and their work community’s well-being.
- Is able to act professionally in communication and interaction situations at a workplace.
- Utilises the opportunities offered by technology and digitalisation in their work.
- Understands the complexity of changing working life and their own resilience in changing working life situations.

English Communication Skills
Working in International Teams
ICT Business
Finnish 1
Business Communication in Finnish
Career Planning and Development 2
Professional English
Finnish 3
Business Communication in Swedish
Swedish for Work
Software Engineering 1
API Programming
English for Thesis Writing
Software Engineering 2
Project Work
Project Work
Career Planning and Development 3
Practical training
3 Ethics

The graduating student adheres to the ethical principles and values of their field of profession, taking the principles of equality and non-discrimination into account.

- Is able to take responsibility for their own actions and their consequences and reflects on them in accordance with the ethical principles and values of their field.
- Takes others into account and promotes equality and non-discrimination.
- Take into account the realisation of diversity and accessibility in their actions.
- Understands the principles of responsible conduct of research and adheres to them.
- Is able to influence society based on ethical values.

ICT Business
Introduction to Information Security
Career Planning and Development 2
Machine Learning and Data Mining
Data Engineering
Career Planning and Development 3
Research and Development Methodologies
Practical training
Socio-Economics and ICT in supporting Decision Making for Regional Development
4 Sustainable Development

The graduating student is familiar with the principles of sustainable development, promotes their implementation and acts responsibly as a professional and a member of society.

- Is able to use information related to their field in finding, implementing and establishing sustainable solutions and operating models.
- Understands sustainability challenges, their interdependencies and the various aspects of issues and problems.

IT Infrastructure Architecture
Server Management
IoT and Cloud Services
Smart Regions, Cities and Buildings
Project Work
Practical training
Socio-Economics and ICT in supporting Decision Making for Regional Development
Innovative Monitoring Systems for the Environment
Networks and Digital Systems for Rural and Regional Development
Regional Sustainability using Innovative ICT
Modelling and Simulation for Wicked Problems in Regional Sustainability
5 Internationality and Multiculturalism

The graduating student is able to operate in multicultural and international operating environments and networks.

- Is familiar with the impacts of their cultural background on their activities and is able to develop operating methods that take multiculturalism into account in their work community.
- Is able to monitor and utilise the international development of their field in their work.
- Is able to communicate internationally in their work tasks.

English Communication Skills
Working in International Teams
Finnish 1
Business Communication in Finnish
Career Planning and Development 2
Professional English
Finnish 3
Business Communication in Swedish
Swedish for Work
Practical training
Language and Cultural Awareness Host Country
Research project in Living Lab UTH
6 Proactive Development

The graduating student is able to develop solutions that anticipate the future of their own field, applying existing knowledge and research and development methods.

− Solves problem situations creatively and reforms operating methods together with others.
− Is able to work in projects in cooperation with actors of different fields.
− Is able to apply existing knowledge in the field in development and utilises research and development methods.
− Is able to seek customer-oriented, sustainable and economically viable solutions, anticipating the future of their field.

Discrete Mathematics and Computability
Quality Engineering and Software Testing
English for Thesis Writing
Smart Regions, Cities and Buildings
Intelligent Automation
Business Process Management and Workflow Automation
Career Planning and Development 3
Practical training
Socio-Economics and ICT in supporting Decision Making for Regional Development
Innovative Monitoring Systems for the Environment
Regional Sustainability using Innovative ICT
Modelling and Simulation for Wicked Problems in Regional Sustainability
Research project in Living Lab UTH
Not grouped
Finnish 2
Introduction to Computing
Human Factors of Interactive Technology
Digital Technology Essentials
Elementary Programming
Object-Oriented Programming
User Interface Programming
Data Structures and Algorithms
Engineering Mathematics
Engineering Physics
Web Programming
Applied Networks
IoT Programming
Backend Development
Frontend Development
Mobile Application Development
Thesis Planning
Thesis Implementation
Thesis Finalising

Bachelor of Engineering, Information and Communication Technology, Competences 2022

1. Business and Service Management

The graduating student is able to implement and maintain ICT solutions in a business-oriented manner. Graduate knows how to consider ICT solutions value to business, the needs of different users and organizations, and the life cycles of technologies and implementation methods.

The graduating student:
• understands the central processes and functions of a business
• understands and is able to evaluate the role of information and communication technology as part of the activities of organizations
• understands the significance of agreements, offers, licences and intellectual property rights in his/her work
• is able to develop business processes and look for them appropriate ICT solutions
• is able to analyze business needs for the development of ICT solutions
• has a know-how to use various information systems, services, platforms and other ICT solutions both separately and as a whole
• is able to define, design, program and test user-centered ICT solutions taking into account IT Service Management and security aspects
• is able to document, understand the existing documentation and the importance of documentation in the development, maintenance and further development of ICT solutions.
• is familiar with the customer-oriented production, procurement and implementation processes of ICT solutions as well as the principles of IT service management from the perspective of business.

ICT Business
Introduction to Computing
IT Infrastructure Architecture
Data Management Systems 1
Introduction to Information Security
Software Engineering 1
Machine Learning and Data Mining
Software Engineering 2
Project Work
Smart Regions, Cities and Buildings
Intelligent Automation
Business Process Management and Workflow Automation
Project Work
Practical training
Socio-Economics and ICT in supporting Decision Making for Regional Development
2. Project management

The graduating student masters the most common development methodologies used in ICT projects, and is able to work in projects and as a member of a team.

The graduating student:
• understand the role of different ICT development tasks and activities in the organization
• understand the importance of knowledge sharing in decentralized development and the importance of individual and team work for the success of the project
• understand the meaning of goal-oriented and responsible actions for the success of a project
• is able to apply different project management and development methodologies
• is able to use tools that support a decentralized and local development environment
• is able to identify risks and prepare for the risks of ICT development activities
• is able to evaluate the role of ICT in the development of information systems as a whole and their customer-oriented production, procurement and implementation as well as the principles of data management from the development perspective
• is able to evaluate various automation tools and methods, and the possibilities of artificial intelligence in support of the implementation and further development and use of ICT solutions.

Software Engineering 1
Software Engineering 2
Project Work
Project Work
Practical training
Research project in Living Lab UTH
3. IT infrastructure architecture

The graduating student knows and is able to use appropriate ICT technologies when constructing an IT infrastructure

The graduating student:
• understands business needs for the development of ICT solutions and the role of information and communication technology as a part of the services of organizations
• understands the operation of the IT infrastructure and its connected ICT equipment and that information management is a vital goal of IT infrastructure of organizations
• is able to identify and analyse user needs and consider them during the selection, integration, and administration of IT infrastructure
• is able to choose, design, implement, develop and maintain information-secure ICT solutions for the needs of organization
• is able to apply customer-oriented production, procurement and implementation processes of ICT solutions as well as the principles of information management for business development.

Introduction to Computing
IT Infrastructure Architecture
Data Management Systems 1
Introduction to Information Security
Digital Technology Essentials
Engineering Physics
Applied Networks
API Programming
Data Management Systems 2
Server Management
IoT Programming
Quality Engineering and Software Testing
IoT and Cloud Services
Machine Learning and Data Mining
Software Engineering 2
Backend Development
Frontend Development
Mobile Application Development
Project Work
Project Work
Practical training
Networks and Digital Systems for Rural and Regional Development
4. Software development

The graduating student knows how to define requirements, design, program, document, test, and bug fixing involved in creating and maintaining applications, frameworks, or other software components.

The graduating student:
• is able to identify, analyse and define user needs for ICT solution
• is able to define, design, program and test usable software, database services and interface taking into account data security
• is able to work in distributed development and production environments
• is able to design and change his/her work environment between local and distributed development and production environments according to the needs of the development work
• is able to use appropriate tools supporting distributed and local development environments
• is able to recognize and manage risks in software development
• is able to apply his/her knowledge and skills in an ICT field and to analyse, evaluate and develop operations in this field
• is able to plan and implement training and user support related to developed solutions.

Introduction to Computing
Human Factors of Interactive Technology
Data Management Systems 1
Introduction to Information Security
Elementary Programming
Object-Oriented Programming
User Interface Programming
Data Structures and Algorithms
Engineering Mathematics
Discrete Mathematics and Computability
Web Programming
Applied Networks
Software Engineering 1
API Programming
Data Management Systems 2
Server Management
IoT Programming
Quality Engineering and Software Testing
IoT and Cloud Services
Machine Learning and Data Mining
Software Engineering 2
Data Engineering
Backend Development
Frontend Development
Mobile Application Development
Project Work
Project Work
Practical training
5. Intelligent automation and Internet of Things

• The graduating student is able to automate processes using robotic process automation technologies, business process management tecniques, and artificial intelligence.

The graduating student:
• understands how the use of intelligent automation can improve productivity and processes quality
• learn how to extract information from documents and websites
• knows how to automate tasks and workflows
• knows the most common technologies used in smart buildings, cities, and regions
• are able to apply techniques of Artificial intelligence for problem solving.

Introduction to Computing
Introduction to Information Security
Digital Technology Essentials
Data Structures and Algorithms
Engineering Mathematics
Engineering Physics
Discrete Mathematics and Computability
Applied Networks
IoT Programming
Quality Engineering and Software Testing
IoT and Cloud Services
Machine Learning and Data Mining
Project Work
Smart Regions, Cities and Buildings
Intelligent Automation
Business Process Management and Workflow Automation
Project Work
Practical training
Socio-Economics and ICT in supporting Decision Making for Regional Development
Innovative Monitoring Systems for the Environment
Regional Sustainability using Innovative ICT
Modelling and Simulation for Wicked Problems in Regional Sustainability
Not grouped
Career Planning and Development 1
English Communication Skills
Working in International Teams
Finnish 1
Finnish 2
Business Communication in Finnish
Career Planning and Development 2
Professional English
Finnish 3
Business Communication in Swedish
Swedish for Work
English for Thesis Writing
Career Planning and Development 3
Research and Development Methodologies
Language and Cultural Awareness Host Country
Thesis Planning
Thesis Implementation
Thesis Finalising

Code Name Credits (cr)
ICT Creator

(Choose all)

Professional Practise

(Choose ects: 20)

IC10001 Career Planning and Development 1 2
IC10002 English Communication Skills 3
IC10003 Working in International Teams 2
IC10004 ICT Business 3
For Foreign Nationals

(Choose all)

KP10017 Finnish 1 5
KP10018 Finnish 2 5
For Finnish Nationals

(Choose ects: 10)

IC10005 Business Communication in Finnish 5
ICT Fundamentals

(Choose all)

IC10006 Introduction to Computing 5
IC10007 IT Infrastructure Architecture 5
IC10008 Human Factors of Interactive Technology 5
IC10009 Data Management Systems 1 5
IC10010 Introduction to Information Security 5
IC10011 Digital Technology Essentials 5
Programming Fundamentals

(Choose all)

IC10012 Elementary Programming 5
IC10013 Object-Oriented Programming 5
IC10014 User Interface Programming 5
ICT Enabler

(Choose all)

Professional Practise

(Choose ects: 9)

IC10015 Career Planning and Development 2 1
IC10052 Professional English 3
For Foreign Nationals

(Choose all)

KP10019 Finnish 3 5
For Finnish Nationals

(Choose all)

IC10017 Business Communication in Swedish 3
IC10016 Swedish for Work 2
Engineering Fundamentals

(Choose all)

IC10018 Data Structures and Algorithms 5
IC10019 Engineering Mathematics 5
IC10020 Engineering Physics 5
IC10021 Discrete Mathematics and Computability 5
Basics of Software Development

(Choose all)

IC10022 Web Programming 5
IC10023 Applied Networks 6
IC10024 Software Engineering 1 5
The Complementary Studies

(Choose ects: 15)

Software Engineering

(Choose all)

IC10025 API Programming 5
IC10026 Data Management Systems 2 5
IC10027 Server Management 5
Intelligent Automation

(Choose all)

IC10028 IoT Programming 5
IC10029 Quality Engineering and Software Testing 5
IC10030 IoT and Cloud Services 5
ICT Producer

(Choose all)

Professional Practise

(Choose all)

IC10031 English for Thesis Writing 2
Modern Software Development

(Choose all)

IC10032 Machine Learning and Data Mining 5
IC10033 Software Engineering 2 10
IC10034 Data Engineering 3
The Complementary Studies

(Choose ects: 40)


(Choose ects: 10)

Software Engineering

(Choose all)

IC10035 Backend Development 5
IC10036 Frontend Development 5
IC10037 Mobile Application Development 5
IC10038 Project Work 15
Intelligent Automation

(Choose all)

IC10039 Smart Regions, Cities and Buildings 5
IC10040 Intelligent Automation 5
IC10041 Business Process Management and Workflow Automation 5
IC10038 Project Work 15

(Choose ects: 30)

ICT Innovator

(Choose ects: 55)

Specialization Option

(Choose ects: 45)

Common Core Studies

(Choose all)

Professional Practise

(Choose all)

IC10042 Career Planning and Development 3 2
IC10043 Research and Development Methodologies 3
Practical Training

(Choose all)

IC10044 Practical training 30

(Choose ects: 5)

Invest Specialization: Society 5.0 and Digital Transformation

(Choose all)

IC10045 Socio-Economics and ICT in supporting Decision Making for Regional Development 5
IC10046 Innovative Monitoring Systems for the Environment 5
IC10047 Networks and Digital Systems for Rural and Regional Development 6
IC10048 Regional Sustainability using Innovative ICT 6
IC10049 Modelling and Simulation for Wicked Problems in Regional Sustainability 6
IC10050 Language and Cultural Awareness Host Country 2
IC10051 Research project in Living Lab UTH 15

(Choose all)

KY10006 Thesis Planning 5
KY10007 Thesis Implementation 5
KY10008 Thesis Finalising 5