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International MarketingLaajuus (4 op)

Tunnus: LTB6027


4 op


  • englanti


  • Iouri Kotorov


You will learn how to create an export plan professionally. You will understand how to design the export plan taking into account the demand and supply factors, including the legislative framework and logistics, in the context of the product and market area and the company's resources. You will understand the importance of economic and cultural information. You will learn how to retrieve relevant information. Design of an export plan for a real or fictive company.


- Why internationalise a company?
- How do you find out the prerequisites for a company's internationalisation? - How do you research international markets, and which sources of information are used?
- Why and how should the product be adapted for export?
- What distribution options are there, and how do you choose the most suitable one?
- How to prepare an export plan?