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A Practical Introduction to MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions) in MarketingLaajuus (1 cr)

Code: HM10107


1 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Olli Hatakka

12.04.2024 - 14.05.2024


15.05.2024 - 31.07.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

1 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Open UAS


Tikkarinne Campus Tikkarinne 9

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

5 - 10

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Media
  • Olli Hatakka
Teacher in charge

Olli Hatakka

Scheduling groups
  • Pienryhmä (schedulingGroup) 1 (Size: 50. Open UAS: 50.)
  • TOP23_24
    Other Complimentary Studies Group Semester 2023-2024
  • KAKK24KE
    Karelia, Open UAS, All, Summer, 2024
  • KAKK24
    Karelia, Open UAS, All, Spring, 2024
Small groups
  • Pienryhmä (schedulingGroup) 1

Location and time

Online, the Moodle learning environment.


To be announced in the Moodle learning environment.

Teaching methods

NOTE! The course is tailored for those planning to become entrepreneurs or already working as an entrepreneur!

Online delivery in a Moodle environment, independent review of material (recordings, files, etc. related material), completion of exercises as instructed, and completion of the Moodle exam.
The course has been implemented in the project "Becoming an Entrepreneur - learning entrepreneurial skills", co-funded by the European Union.

Course Description:

This 1 credit course provides a practical introduction to the world of event production. The course focuses in particular on the design and implementation of trade fairs and other event marketing applications. The aim of the course is to provide students with the basic skills to work in various event production tasks and to understand the role of event production as part of marketing communication.

The course will cover the following topics:

The basics of event production:
o Definition and objectives of event production
o Event types and applications
o Event production processes
Strategic planning
o Event concept and objectives
o Defining the target audience
o Market analysis
Event project planning and project management:
o Scheduling and budgeting
o Risk management
o Supply chain management
Event management (basic information):
o Event location and technology
o Managing human resources
o Stakeholder management
Content and theme planning:
o Event programme and content
o Event content and content management o Event content and theme
o Event atmosphere and experience
Marketing and communication:
o Development of an event marketing plan
o Communication channels and methods
o Marketing the event online and through social media
Event implementation and evaluation:
o Operational implementation of the event
o Feedback and analysis of results (exploitation)

Student workload

1 credits = 27h. Lectures, Project work and exams.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Approved completion and evaluation of assignments, approved Moodletentt performance (min 50% correct out of maximum marks).

To complete the course, you must:
- Participation in online lectures, other possible activities, and (possible seminars)
- completion of assignment work (or equivalent online assignments).
- Independent study (based on literature)
- Completion of an online exam/automated diagnostic test
Course assessment:
Course assessment will be based on the following:
- Active participation (20%)
- Performance of assignmet work (60%)
- Final exam (20%)

Content scheduling

According to plan which is given to students in the Moodle learning environment.

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Karelia UAS general principles of evaluation are used.